Distance Education

The Philosophy behind providing Distance Learning courses

At CVAS, we recognise that student choice is at the heart of a transformational learning experience; when an individual is empowered to design their own learning program, they not only grow in intellectual capacity, but also develop a greater sense of their own identity. 

The CVAS distance learning program provides a flexible alternative that allows students to study subjects which further their own interests and passions, and which complement their on-campus enrolment. Typically, students take courses which are not available on-campus due to the highly specialised nature of the content matter. 

Students who take a course by distance have the advantage of access to an external teacher (their assessor) and in-person support from CVAS teaching staff. This model of parallel support provides students with both the intellectual insight needed to successfully navigate their coursework, while also ensuring students remain accountable to their learning goals.

Furthermore, distance learning emphasises the importance of technology in learning. It recognizes that technology can serve as a powerful tool for learning, communication, and collaboration, and encourages the integration of technology into the learning experience.

How the Distance Learning program works

·  Distance Learning works for students who are self-motivated, independent learners and who have interests which extend beyond the on-campus offering of academic courses

·  Students elect to enrol in a distance learning course as part of their normal subject selection process; students should note that the enrolment requirements vary between courses and year levels, so research is required before making a selection

·  Asynchronous Learning: This is a type of learning where students can learn at their own pace, without having to attend live sessions. Teachers can provide pre-recorded videos or online resources for students to study at their convenience

·  Student access to CVAS teachers available for most scheduled distance learning classes to provide assistance with course work and assessments

·  Fortnightly 'class conferences' which all students attend to discuss common issues and to build a sense of community